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Our Services

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Septic Systems

On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Designs and Installations are completed quickly and affordably by a Nationally Certified (NAWT) Technician.   We can also repair or expand existing systems. 

Driveway Construction

In nearly every situation, we can find a way to get you safely on to your property without a scratch to your vehicle.  


Whether you need to clear trees and brush, dig for a foundation, level an area, or any other type of earth moving, C1SE is the one to call.


A great way to protect your property from unwanted two and four legged guests and from debris which could clutter up your yard, C1SE can help you build various types of fences to fit your needs and your budget. 


Using only premium products, C1SE builds well insulated foundations that will last forever.  Our foundations will start you off square and make life easier as your project goes vertical. 


Please call us for a free quote

(719) 379 - 6987/OWTS

Cell: (719) 580 - 7915

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